
Fitting functions of soil hydraulic properties

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General HCF

The general HCF (hydraulic conductivity function) is defined as (Hoffmann-Riem et al, 1999)

\[\begin{equation}{K_{\rm{r}}}{\rm{\ }}\left( h \right) = \frac{{K\left( h \right)}}{{{K_{\rm{s}}}}}\ = S_e{\left( h \right)^p}\ {\left[ {\frac{{\mathop \smallint \nolimits_0^{S_e\left( h \right)} h{{\left( S_e \right)}^{ - q}}{\rm{d}}S_e\ }}{{\mathop \smallint \nolimits_0^1 h{{\left( S_e \right)}^{ - q}}{\rm{d}}S_e\ }}\ } \right]^r}\end{equation}\]

where h is the pressure head (positive for unsaturated conditions), K is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, Kr is the relative hydraulic conductivity, and where p, q, and r are HCF parameters as explained below. Se is effective saturation, defined by \(S_e = \frac{\theta-\theta_r}{\theta_s-\theta_r}\), where θ is the volumetric water content, and θr and θs are the residual and saturated water contents, respectively.

As the HCF includes integral of the function h(Se), it is convenient when a closed-form expression of the integrated function is obtained for a specified WRF (water retention function) θ(h) or Se(h), as shown in this page; otherwise numerical integration or approximation is required. Most of the HCF in unsatfit are closed-form expression of general HCF derived from respective WRF, as derived in Seki et al. (2022), and shown to be useful for practical applications in Seki et al. (2023).

HCF parameters

The general HCF expresses different type of models with HCF parameters, p, q, r as follows.

where Mualem’s model is currently most widely used model. When p is used a variable and changed from the original value in those models, p is called a tortuosity factor.

The HCF depends on WRF. van Genuchten - Mualem model is the most popular selection of WRF and HCF models. However, it does not necessarily represent water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves in a wide range of pressure head. For giving more flexibility to the water retention curve, linear superposition model was proposed by Durner (1994) and Seki et al. (2022). Seki et al. (2023) showed that two parameters (p, q) or (p, r) should be optimized to represent hydraulic conductivity curves over a wide range of pressure heads.

In practice, as measuring (h, K) is difficult, HCF parameters are optimized to represent measured θ and/or h in water flow experiment by using such software as HYDRUS. In that case, WRF parameters may be determined with measured (h, θ) data before determining HCF parameters. SWRC Fit is a convenient tool for that purpose.

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