Seki's photo

Seki's note


Match equity calculator

The match equity in backgammon and the reference values for cube decisions can be calculated for matches of up to 15 points.

Seki's APT Repository

Seki’s APT repository contains Debian packages for Python packages produced by Katsutoshi Seki. List of packages:

Show mouse and touch events in the HTML canvas element

For showing the handling of mouse and touch events in the HTML canvas element, I created a JavaScript program that draws a line while displaying the name and position of the event that occurred.

UNSODA viewer

15 Puzzle

Play 15 puzzle.

How to open a file from a terminal emulator

This article describes how to open a file from a terminal emulator in Mac, Linux, and Windows.

Uploading many files to GitHub repository

As GitHub introduced unlimited private repositories, I uploaded gigabytes of data to GitHub repository. Here is some technical notes for uploading many files to GitHub repository.

English layout

I mainly write posts in Japanese, but sometimes I may want to write in English. Therefore I start to make English layout. By using english tag, it is easy to list English posts.