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Player, solver and creater of sudoku puzzles

Analysis of a whole problem

When you want to show the process of solving a whole problem, you can use a command.

kaidoku-1.0.1> a

Level 5 No. 1
Valid sudoku with unique solution of level 5 (hard).

By default, it shows if the sudoku is valid sudoku with unique solution, and if it is, the difficulty of the problem. It is the analysis of verbose level 1. a command can have a parameter of verbose level as an argument. Output of the analysis can have 5 level of verboseness. As the number increases, the message will increase.

This is an example.

kaidoku-1.0.1> a 4

Level 5 No. 1
Naked single: R4C4 = 4
Naked single: R3C4 = 9
Hidden single in box 1 : R2C1 = 9
Hidden single in box 1 : R2C2 = 7
Hidden single in box 3 : R2C8 = 3
Hidden single in box 4 : R6C1 = 8
Hidden single in box 5 : R5C4 = 3
Hidden single in box 8 : R9C6 = 9
Hidden single in column 8 : R8C8 = 2
Pointing pair in box 1 removed 5 from R9C3 R7C3 
Pointing pair in box 8 removed 5 from R8C4 (=7) R9C5 
Naked single: R1C4 = 5
Hidden single in box 1 : R2C3 = 5
Hidden single in box 2 : R1C5 = 7
Hidden single in box 7 : R9C1 = 7
Hidden single in box 7 : R8C1 = 5
Hidden single in box 7 : R7C3 = 1
Naked single: R7C8 = 4
Naked single: R1C8 = 9, R7C6 = 5
Naked single: R6C8 = 1, R7C5 = 8
Naked single: R6C6 = 7, R7C9 = 7, R9C5 = 4
Naked single: R3C5 = 1, R5C6 = 1, R6C9 = 9, R9C3 = 2
Naked single: R2C6 = 4, R3C7 = 6, R5C5 = 5, R9C2 = 8
Naked single: R1C7 = 8, R2C9 = 1, R5C7 = 7, R8C2 = 4, R9C7 = 5
Naked single: R1C9 = 4, R3C2 = 2, R8C7 = 1, R8C9 = 8
Naked single: R1C3 = 6, R3C1 = 4, R4C2 = 6
Naked single: R4C9 = 2, R5C1 = 2, R5C3 = 4
Naked single: R4C1 = 1, R5C9 = 6
Valid sudoku with unique solution of level 5 (hard).
Here is the solution.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1|3 1 6|5 7 2|8 9 4|
2|9 7 5|8 6 4|2 3 1|
3|4 2 8|9 1 3|6 7 5|
4|1 6 7|4 9 8|3 5 2|
5|2 9 4|3 5 1|7 8 6|
6|8 5 3|6 2 7|4 1 9|
7|6 3 1|2 8 5|9 4 7|
8|5 4 9|7 3 6|1 2 8|
9|7 8 2|1 4 9|5 6 3|

While a command analyzes the whole problem, ac command analyzes the problem from the current position. ac command also can have verbose level as an argument. all command analyzes all the problems in the current level, which can also have the verbose level as an argument.