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Player, solver and creater of sudoku puzzles

How to install and get started

Install Python 3

Python 3 should be installed before installing kaidoku. Install Python 3 by either of the following.

You can check your installed version of Python 3 by

python3 -V

Install pip

Just run

python3 -m ensurepip

then pip is installed if it is not installed on your system.

On Windows subsystems on Linux, pip distributed with apt package may not properly work (it does not properly execute the entry points). Therefore, if python3-pip is already installed by apt, remove it with

sudo apt remove python3-pip

and then install pip properly by

sudo apt install wget
sudo python3

Install Kaidoku

After installing Python 3 and pip, install kaidoku by running

pip3 install kaidoku

or, on Windows subsystem on Linux,

sudo pip install kaidoku

from terminal emulator.

Update Kaidoku

Latest version: 1.0.1

You can check the latest version of kaidoku by

pip3 search kaidoku

and update to the latest version by

pip3 install -U kaidoku

Getting started

Just run


from the terminal emulator. You get into kaidoku command prompt.

$ kaidoku
Kaidoku - player, solver and creater of sudoku puzzles.

Type h for help, c for showing a problem, q for quit.

You can get help of the command by typing h (and Enter key), like this

kaidoku-1.0.1> h
246 : In the cell of row 2 column 4, put number 6
b   : take Back one move
c   : show Current position
i   : show hInt for current position
q   : Quit kaidoku



You can quit from the kaidoku prompt by typing q.

For Debian / Ubuntu users

Alternatively, you can set up Seki’s APT repository and install kaidoku by running sudo apt install python3-kaidoku.